Please Use Google Chrome to translate to different languages. Please call us for availability on 07825252812 or Spanish number 0034 602562011 . Thank you. PLEASE NOTE:- As from August 8th 2024, you will only be able to book a maximum 10 day stay in the Valencian Region as decreed by new law.
Tourists Licence Number VT463311
We would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our site and we look forward to answering any questions you may have.
We are Kev & Hannah and this project has been a dream of ours to provide a lovely villa, which is not only wheelchair friendly, it is in an area of incredible beauty. We look forward to welcoming all our guests over the coming months and years, whilst also giving you a fantastic service so your stay is a pleasurable and enjoyable one.
If you have any questions about your stay, booking with us or any other information, please get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you.
Please telephone
English mobile: 07825252812
or Spanish +34 602562011
Kevin and Hannah
Please feel free to email us at enquiries@costablancawheelchairfriendly.com or simply fill in this form and we’ll get back to you shortly:
“Make Yourself at Home!"
Costa Blanca Wheelchair Friendly Villa is owned
& maintained by Kev & Hannah